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"Developing fitness in Canada's next generation of RCMP members" 

Maximize Your Confidence

What You Get

Running Program

3-4x per week


For all running abilities

Designed to maximize your running ability for the 5km, 8km, and shuttle run testing at depot while limiting risk of injury.

Functional Training

Designed to replicate the tests or enhance specific body systems that will be used in the new fitness assessments (PFA) at Depot

3x per week


For all physical abilities

Strength Training

The Strength training is designed to increase your bodies ability to apply force and power to another object. 

6x per week

Exercise Demo's

Basic Equipment

Injury Prevention

This training is designed to reduce the risk of injuries developed from common muscular weakness or tightness.

3-4x per week

Exercise Demo's

Basic Equipment

Sample Workout

Strength Training

A) Push-up

Set 1: AMRAP

Set 2: AMRAP

Set 3: AMRAP

Set 4: AMRAP



B) Dumbbell Floor Press

Set 1: AMRAP

Set 2: AMRAP

Set 3: AMRAP

Set 4: AMRAP

C) Flat Bench Close Grip Barbell Press

Set 1: 10 reps (RPE: 6/10)

Set 2: 8 reps (RPE: 8/10)

Set 3: 6 reps (RPE: 9/10)

Running (Speed Focus)

2 min (Sprint Pace) 
1.5 min (Rest / Recovery Pace) 

1.5 min (Sprint Pace) 
1.5 min (Rest / Recovery Pace) 

1 min (Sprint Pace) 
1.5 min (Rest / Recovery Pace) 


- Increasing your ability to run faster. 

- Looking for neuromuscular adaptations, getting more muscle fibers to fire, using a greater proportion of fast twitch fibers.

As you go through the workout, you have less sprint time, to allow for a maintenance of high effort and speed.  


- Start the first interval more conservative, knowing it is a 2 minute effort. Then increase your speed or maintain based on how the first interval felt.

- During the recovery, keep the leg moving whether it is a walk or light jog.

**Sprint Pace:
- Maximal Sustainable Pace within the given time.
- > 90% of Heart Rate Max within each interval. 
- RPE: 8-9/10

*Max Heart Rate Calculation
220-Age = Max Heart Rate 

*RPE Description:  
8-9/10 = Very Hard - Very Very Hard

Get access to the full program on the Assault Athletics App.

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