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Getting Started

"A comprehensive and specialized program designed to help law enforcement members start and maintain health and fitness throughout life and career."

How to Start


Book Free Consultation

What to include: 

- 3 possible dates and times for a 20-30 min phone call. 
- Your Phone Number 

Send us an email to book a call: 

For this consultation you will speak with a registered kinesiologist to discuss your health and fitness goals. We will discuss the best way to achieve your goals keeping in mind the main goal of long term behaviour change so you will be able to maintain your progress and live a healthly and fit life as a member of law enforcement.


Fill Out Documents

To be filled out before consultation: 

- Stage of change questionnaire:

- Goal Setting Worksheet:

- Barriers to Change Worksheet:

These forms will allow the kinesiologist to provide guidance that is specific to you and your goals and to your stage of behaviour change in order to maximize your adherence and maintain your progress to become a healthier and more physically prepared law enforcement member.

Why this is different

Evidence Based Approach 

We want to provide you with the best apporach for accomplishing your fitness goals that will not only allow you to achive those goals, but maintain your accomplishments throughout your life. We are using the best availabe evidence, applied by kinesiologists to cause behavior change in your approach to health and fitness.

Law Enforcement Focused

We know that research and the optimal way to achieve health and fitness goals is not always practical espically in the lives of law enforcement members. The stress of the job, along with the lack of sleep, and the potential physical aspects and injury are all barriers to health that the general population do not face. With our kineisologist being the son of a law enforcement member, he has seen and discussed in length the realities of the job. This along with the help of our law enforcement consultant we are combining an evidence based approach with the practicalities of policing to give you the best advice possible.

Hands On Approach

Instead of just giving you a program and hoping you follow it, we are taking a more hands on approach. Starting with the consultation call, we will begin to understand how best to motivate and educate you on the best ways to achieve and maintain your health and wellness for the long term.

Training + Service

Workout 3 days per week

Phone call check-up bi-weekly

No Complicated Exercises 

Short And Effective Workouts

Exercise Video and Descriptions

Strength + Cardiovascular fitness

Get access to your workouts on the Assault Athletics App.

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Send us an email to get started

Our Mission

Promoting health and wellness in law enforcement, focusing on long term behavior change using a scientific, evidence based approach. Our goal is to provide members of law enforcement with all the resources, support, and education needed to live healthier lives both on and off the job. 

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